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Application of Man-Machine-Environment...(1/2)

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Application of Man-Machine-Environment Systems Engineering in Financial Innovation and the Transition of Central Banks

Yinying Huang and Zhihao Hu

To analyze the financial innovation and the transition of central bank,the research framework of man-machine-environment system engineering(MMESE)on this field is proposed in this paper. The main conclusions are:central banks(“man”)needs to comply with the long-term trend ofmarketization of financial market(“environment”),to change its temporary and passive crisis aid system afterwards into active continuous innovation of monetary policy tools(“machine”)and policy transmission mechanism(“machine-environment relationship”). With breakthrough in its traditional function,the central bank can create a new “man-machine-environment system” to control financial risk and ultimately achieve its “safety,efficiency and economy” objectives.

Man-Machine-Environment System Engineering is a science employing systematic scientific theory and engineering approaches,dealing with the relationship between three factors,namely man,machine and environment and doing further research on the optimal combination of man-machine-environment system. In general,man-machine-environment can be divided into three categories:simple man-machine-environment system,complicated man-machine-environment system and generalized man-machine-environment system. Man-Machine-Environment System Engineering can be widely used not only in the field of natural science,but also has a strong theoretical and practical guiding significance in the field of social science. This article defines financial system as a generalized man-machine-environment system and attempts to state modern financial innovation and transition of monetary policy system of central banks by the research method of Man-Machine-Environment System Engineering and discusses the application of MME in research of monetary policy of Central Bank.


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